Both the physical and mental development of the puppy is intense in the first several weeks of his life. The animal then needs special care and attention from its handler. The development of a puppy can be divided into 6 basic stages: prenatal phase, neonatal phase (from day 1 to 12), transition period between two critical stages (from 12 to 21 days of age), period of primary socialization (up to 7 weeks), period of secondary socialization (from 8 to 12 weeks) and the adolescent phase (12 to 21 weeks). The breeder and owner of the dog must know what each stage is characterized by, because the first months of a dog's life (and above all the first weeks) shape the animal for life. Find out what the stages of your dog's development are and how to provide them with positive experiences that will shape their behavior in adulthood. When do puppies open their eyes? A puppy opens its eyes at 8-10 days of age, which is at the end of the neonatal phase. Ears open later - around day 21. All other senses work properly beforehand. The animal feels the taste and smell, as well as temperature changes, which makes it very sensitive to external stimuli. Puppy development week by week - from week 1 to week 10 From 1st to 3rd week Puppies are born deaf and blind, but have a developed sense of smell. In the neonatal phase, which lasts from day 1 to day 12, they react to temperature and touch. However, their thermoregulation mechanisms work poorly, so they should be warmed. Dogs in the neonatal phase have a suckling reflex and will whine for their mother. It is necessary to activate them for bowel movements - the mother stimulates the puppies to take care of their physiological needs, and then eats their faeces. Until 2 weeks of age, dogs do not walk, but crawl - at first they only use their forelegs, and at the end of this phase, all four legs. Meanwhile, the bitch brings the puppies to the lair
In the neonatal phase, it is recommended to carry out the so-called early neurological stimulation. From the 3rd to the 16th day, you can gently raise and lower the dog's head and lay it down on a damp towel. During the transition phase, which lasts from day 12 to day 21, puppies develop motor skills. After 13 days of age, they can be weaned and receive food in the form of soggy dry food. Regurgitation may occur - food passively moves from the stomach into the esophagus. Around 21 days of age puppies will have their ears open. The first attempts to play with siblings also take place in the transition phase. The dogs recognize their mother, brothers and sisters. They start wagging their tails. Around the 21st day of life, the primary socialization phase begins, which lasts until the 7th week of life. Primary socialization is learning appropriate behavior through contact with the mother, siblings and the environment in which the puppy lives. Therefore, puppies collected too early from their mother may show undesirable behavior - they simply did not have time to learn it. During this time, you should carefully and gradually introduce dogs to the world around them - get used to people, sounds and other external stimuli (such as music, a vacuum cleaner, TV or louder conversations). From the 3rd to the 12th week In the 3rd week, the development of the dog is as follows: puppies start to get up and walk, their teeth are cut off, they defecate themselves and choose a place for it, they begin to sip fluids the sense of smell develops, puppies begin to play with their siblings and become aware of their surroundings. At week 4, dogs begin to eat dry food as their mother has most likely already lost food. They can walk with confidence, but they tire easily. They start barking, biting, scratching, growling, grinning, wagging their tails and also seeing at a distance. Each dog requires individual care during this time.
W 5 tygodniu szczeniaki zaczynają grupowe zabawy i ustalają hierarchię w stadzie. Następuje ich szybki rozwój i wzrost. Konieczny jest dalszy proces socjalizacji i przyzwyczajanie do karmy innej niż mleko matki.
W 6 tygodniu warto poświęcić każdemu ze szczeniąt czas w odosobnieniu – bez towarzystwa matki i rodzeństwa.
W 7 tygodniu całkowicie rozwija się słuch i wzrok. Szczeniak w tym czasie intensywnie poznaje świat i interesuje się wszystkim, co go otacza, ale nie reagują jeszcze na swoje imię. Po 7 tygodniu szczenięta mogą być już zabrane do nowych domów.
Od 8 do 12 tygodnia życia trwa etap socjalizacji wtórnej, o którą powinien zadbać nowy właściciel. Polega ona na kontakcie z nowymi ludźmi, psami oraz innymi gatunkami zwierząt, a także nowym otoczeniem, w którym znalazł się pies. Natężenie nowych doświadczeń powinno być stopniowe i pozytywne i dostarczać pozytywnych wrażeń.
W 9 tygodniu u szczeniaków rozwijają zachowania dominacyjne. Psy rozpoczynają naukę właściwego postępowania i testowania swoich właścicieli. Rozwijają się zdolności motoryczne, ale uwaga piesków na danej czynności skupiona jest tylko przez chwilę. Wówczas uczą się też załatwiać potrzeby fizjologiczne w wyznaczonych miejscach.
10 tydzień to dalszy ciąg nauki zachowania, czystości i samodzielności. Wówczas można rozpocząć szkolenie, np. posyłając pieska do psiego przedszkola.
W 12 tygodniu szczeniak zaczyna uczyć się imienia i reagowania na nie.
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